I am a special education teacher that has recently retired after 4 decades of teaching students with additional needs.
How I came across RPM
I had a parent bring RPM to my attention 13 years ago. The timing didn't line up then to take it on. So 3 years ago when a different parent brought it to my attention I went back, looked at it and took it to the school Principal. My thought was -if it didn't work , the worse thing that could happen is they learn to spell. Best case- they communicate. The students came alive. They were making choices, paying attention, interacting and beginning to spell. It was truly amazing. We worked with a senior provider that came to school several times a year and worked with the kids as well as us. Parent's took it on board and began to use letterboards at home as well.
It truly was changing their lives. We asked much more of the children academically and they rose to the occasion. So when I retired on 27 June, 2024, I opened a business on 1 July. I am constantly amazed by the students, the determination and skill that the students are obtaining.
In retirement, I wanted to have time to devote to the education of students without distraction and in an intensive structure to improve skills and communication for those not able to have a voice. The progress I have seen fuels my passion to help as many students as possible. Voice and access. Improving lives one student at a time.
We have a new addition to the team: Caolinn Bruen.
Caolinn is a skilled provider that works incredibly hard and is passionate about giving the students the best to improve skills, communication and learning. She is a true asset to the team and to the students.